L4-72粮用风机 |
L4-72型移动式粮用离心风机是在4-72型风机的基础上改进而来的,采用整体结构,底部安装脚轮,手柄,达到移动的效果,可在粮库的通风排气口随意对接,使用方便。 L4-72 Series movable grain used centrifugal fan is a remodd fan improved from L4-72 Centrifugal fan.It adopts whole structure with truckles and handle for moving.It's convenient to use by connecting with the eahausting opening of the grain depot.
L4-72型移动式粮用风机主要参数 Main Parameter
机 号 Machine (No.) |
转 速 Rotation speed (r/min) |
流 量 Volume Flow (m3/h) |
全 压 TotaI Pressure(Pa) |
配用电机功率 Matchingmotor (Kw-P) |
4A |
2900 |
4012—7419 |
2014-1320 |
5.5 |
4.5A |
2900 |
5712-10502 |
2554-1 673 |
7.5 |
5A |
2900 |
7728-15445 |
3187-2019 |
15 |
1450 |
3864-7728 |
790-502 |
2.2 |
6A |
1450 |
6677-13353 |
1139-724 |
4 |
960 |
4420-8841 |
498-317 |
1.5 |
6C |
2240 |
10314-20628 |
2734-1733 |
15-4 |
2000 |
9209-18418 |
2176-1380 |
11-4 |
1800 |
8288-16578 |
1760-11 16 |
7.5-4 |
1600 |
7367-14734 |
1389-881 |
5-5-4 |
1450 |
6677-13353 |
1137-724 |
4-4 |
8C |
1800 |
19641-25240 |
3143-3032 |
30-2 |
1800 |
28105-36427 |
2920-2302 |
37-2 |
1600 |
17463-22435 |
2478-2390 |
22-2 |
1600 |
24982-32280 |
2303-1816 |
30-2 |
1250 |
13643-25297 |
1507-1106 |
11-4 |
1120 |
12224-15705 |
1209-1166 |
75-4 |
1120 |
17487-22666 |
1124-887 |
11-4 |
1000 |
10914-14022 |
963-929 |
5.5-4 |
1000 |
15614-20237 |
895-707 |
7.5-4 | |